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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Three S of Buying Product Reviews

Product reviews, alongside online shopping guides, have always been a favorite of netrepreneurs. Unlike other types of articles, product reviews are straightforward guides that lead shopping-ready consumers where they should and ought to be. Product reviews capitalize and strive on the buying period of the a consumer’s buying cycle, the phase when they have done their research and are literally clicks away from the shopping cart.

If you are one of the millions of netrepreneurs who are thinking of buying product reviews, you may want to consider the following points:

Start low

Webmasters love to play and often compete with the big boys. Though there is really nothing wrong with it, start up webmasters need to be reminded what internet marketing giants have at their disposal that they don’t: Large, deep pockets. If you aren’t financed by a generous angel investor, chances are good that you only have a handful of dollars to grow your website.

Competing within the long tail keywords has been proven time and again to have higher monetization potential than, of course, hitting short tails. This is because long tail phrases, in spite of being low-volume search queries, specifically target keywords used by shopping-ready customers. These are more than browsers; these are purchase-ready shoppers who are in their pre-purchase research.

Speak the same language

Find product reviews that are on the same page as you are. Say you are an Amazon Affiliate, to do your “job” well, you need to find product reviews that are familiar with how works, particularly how it sells millions of items every month.

Most online biz owners don’t do their homework often. And this costs them hundred of dollars every month. The problem with being an affiliate of retail giants is that if you don’t speak their language, you are being inefficient and ineffective when it comes to selling. To sell products, you need to use the very same set of keywords shoppers are using when searching for products in Amazon. Look for these keywords, specifically those that were used by shoppers who have the intention to shop at Amazon. Check the tags, and derive your very own set of long tail keywords from it.

Stick with the plan

Using short tail and longtail phrases in a product review is diluting the effectiveness of the article itself. Find product reviews that utilize related longtail phrases specifically targeting the products you want to promote. Though you want to rank high in these longtail keywords, you need not to overdo it. Find product reviews that use related phrases, which are considered by major search engines are semantically close. And let me tell you, Google uses and loves LSI.

Buy product reviews that stick to the plan; utilize longtail phrases all throughout the article. But make sure you buy product reviews that aren’t overkill. The issue to ranking with keywords is that online marketers have the tendency to overdo it, writing articles that have a keyword density of over five percent.

Instead of using, say, “SEO” all over the article, you may want to buy product reviews that use the former plus the phrases “search engine optimization,” “search engine placement,” or “search engine promotion”. This process requires effort, but you know it is worth it.

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